Friday, June 5, 2009

Mama Mia June Grab's HERE!!

Somehow we have ventured into the sixth month of 2009...absolutely amazing as New Years seems like it was yesterday! June brings with it a new Mama Mia Grab Bag at My Life and Scrap...and here's what you'll find in it:

It's $3 and will be on sale through Wednesday, 6/17.

Happy Scrapping and wishing you a wonderful JUNE!


Designs By Kelin said...

Mandy! You always have great grab bags. I'll have it up on the front page this afternoon!

Carolyn Albro said...

You truly make me drool! I couldn't resist grabbing this for today's Speed Scrap at MLAS. I hope you like the page I made with it : )

RebeccaPSP said...

What beautiful kits!!!! Love the colours!